Monday, January 21, 2008

Rick and Bubba

Many prayers go out to the Burgess family for their loss. I was incredibly taken aback when I read in the paper about Rick's 2 yr old son's drowning. I was a devoted listener to their morning show until it was taken off the air here in Huntsville a few months ago. (Edit: just found out it's now on 100.3 - yea!) It's crazy how I keep learning about good Christians losing loved ones. So much is out of our control.

Even though I have experienced a loss and am surviving somehow, I look at Jack and am sure that I would lose my mind if he died. It makes me want to hold onto his hand, and never let him leave my sight again. But we must simply live our lives to the fullest and be grateful for every breath that we breathe.

Here's a link to a blog about a young girl's near drowning. I came upon it when I was checking out crock pot recipes - go figure! Her story is beautiful.


Petra said...

Quick comment - Rick and Bubba is now on 100.3.

Michele said...

Oh my gosh, I had no idea! I thought it was just on satellite in town. You just made my day. :)

BTW, you're getting married tomorrow - woohoo!! (In case you forgot)