Wednesday, April 2, 2008

First uttered prayer

Jack has been saying "Jesus" for awhile now, but today he's made great strides in his faith, LOL. John Mark was holding him in our living room near a picture of Mary with Child, and Jack pointed to her saying "Mommy! Mommy!" Wow, kids are just amazing. (And no, Mary bears no resemblance to me. I just make it a habit of pointing to Mary's statue at church and saying "that's our momma." I guess he really has been listening. :)

Anyway, 30 minutes later, we were saying grace before dinner, and he yelled "Amen!" We started laughing and making a big fuss, so he repeated it a few more times with a big grin on his face before he lost interest and starting chowing on his rice.

My boy is destined to become a priest. I just know it.


By the way, happy 3rd year anniversary John Mark! It's been a wild ride. We also say a special prayer of remembrance for John Paul II who passed away only a few hours before our wedding...Rest in Peace, Papa!


Jennifer said...

LoL.. Kids truly are amazing. Sounds like a great prayer to me. A heartfelt "AMEN!!" says it all!

Happy Anniversary!!


Stephanie said...

Happy anniversary! It was so good to meet you the other day!

Mandy said...

Soooooo very sweet!!!!

Mandy said...

Soooooo very sweet!!!!

Petra said...

Aw, how cute! That story just made my day.